Proof of Concept Awards (PoCAs)

Results of July 2021 Call

The successful projects are as follows:

Principal Investigator: Dr Claire Walsh
Institution: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London
Project titleIntegrating MRI and Hierarchical Phase Contrast Tomography (HiP-CT) for clinical biomarker validation.

Principal Investigator: Dr Shahrokh Rahmani
Institution: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London
Project title: Real time synchrotron tomographic imaging combined with biomechanical nano-precision multi-load testing rig to capture molecular to micron scale local deformation field in pathological musculoskeletal human system.

Principal Investigator: Prof Andrew Pitsillides 
Institution: Comparative Biological Sciences, Royal Veterinary College
Project title: Still waters run deep: does growth plate bridging increase joint sensitivity to mechanical loading?

July 2021 Call Description

The ImagingBioPro network has awarded 8 PoCAs to stimulate inter-disciplinary research on imaging of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal processes, with a core focus on using the UK’s Large Facilities (e.g. Diamond Light Source, ISIS Neutron Source, and the Central Laser Facilities).

The network have funding for another 8 exchanges, which cover up to 2-months PDRA salary and £3500 for research consumables, travel and subsistence. 

The goals of funding are:

  • Stimulate new collaborations between network members
  • Integrate research activity across traditional research disciplines

We are strongly focused on facilitating preliminary work to support full funding applications. All awards will be short term and used to establish new collaborations and carry out the scoping work, which will lead to future full research proposals.

We focus on projects which integrate advances in engineering and physical science technologies with the necessary life science understanding, and also encourage integration with industrial partners (see the Technology Touching Life (TTL) UKRI initiative under which we operate).


Funding is available to ImagingBioPro network members only, please join before applying. 

Key Features

  • Funding value total ~£21k/PoCA and includes:
    • up to 2-month PDRA salary (at UCL rate: £17.5k, including overheads)
    • up to £1500 for research consumables
    • up to £2000 for travel and subsistence
  • Funding is paid at 80% fEC, which goes to the PIs’ institution to manage as appropriate (under normal UKRI terms and conditions). Costings must be approved by the PIs’ academic institution.
  • Applications must be interdisciplinary, involving at least two disciplines (one from the home and one from the host institute), and have clearly defined deliverables and impact.
  • The applicant researcher(s) should work in the host laboratory, different to their current place of work (exceptions considered during pandemic).
  • Early Career Researcher (ECR) engagement is strongly encouraged. PDRAs can be named as PI or CoI provided that they have a contract of employment with the academic institution for the duration of the grant prior to application.
  • The PI must be from a UK academic institution, which can be either the ‘home’ or ‘host’ institute for the PoCA.
  • PhD student involvement must follow UKRI guidelines, limiting the hours they can work. Their salary cannot be requested in project costings.
  • Project must be completed, reported and invoiced by 31st January 2022.

Application Process

  • Please download Funding Application Form.
  • Completed applications should be emailed to and use the subject header: “PoCA3 Application - Name - Institution”
  • Application deadline: 18th July 2021
  • A decision will be announced 1 month after application deadline
  • For more info please read: Funding Guidance for Applicants.

Evaluation Criteria

The applications will be judged on their fit to the following criteria:

  • Scientific excellence
  • Inter-disciplinary
  • Fit to Technologies Touching Life remit
  • Involvement of early career researchers
  • At least one academic partner or a UKRI funded partner (ie. Large facilities).
  • Clear future impacts
  • Likelihood to lead to further funding


All publications arising from these exchanges should acknowledge the MRC/EPSRC/BBSRC ImagingBioPro grant (MR/R025673/1). (E.g. state "This work was funded in part by the MRC/EPSRC/BBSRC ImagingBioPro grant MR/R025673/1").